Monday, October 26, 2009

Class Links Post

While it was difficult to choose only three from all of the many wonderful blogs present, the three blogs that I think everyone should visit are:

These three blogs provide very interesting perspectives on topics; race, the legalization of marijuana, and abortion. These three topics have been focused in order to provide an intellectual debate that removes many biases and entertains the blogger at the same time.

On the first blog that I presented, all quiet on the western blunt, the blogger draws in the reader first with the aesthetics. It is obvious that he or she has taken the time to create a blogging atmosphere for his or her commenters. Next, the blogger develops intellectual arguments, rather than just making pure assertions. The blogger backs up his or her assertion with a tremendous amount of evidence and responds back to commenters with the same tact presented within the original blog post.

On the second blog, rather than just having the common debate about abortion deciding whether it should be legal or not, the blogger focuses on just how the two sides can compromise and bring the debate to an end. I really like the fact that the blogger is taking a different approach to a subject that is typically one way to look at debating.

The reason I enjoy the last blog, battles with race and health care, is because, just like the previous blog, it takes a common debate and shifts it into a new light. While most blogs just focus on how to eliminate racism and the problems with it, this particular blog focuses on how racism is affecting health care, but more specifically, the racism that has occurred with the new health care debate towards President Barack Obama. What I really enjoy is that this issue has shifted from being just about race and is becoming more specific. Typically, when something is more specific, it becomes a lot easier to solve the problem.

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