I completely understand that we cannot simply pull out of Iraq and Afghanistan and act like everything is all fine and dandy; but I do realize that something needs to be done, and that something needs to be done quickly.
Throughout Barack Obama’s entire campaign, he was an advocate for change. He believed that our nation needed to undergo and experience a tremendous amount of change. While his message allowed him to receive the vote and become the first African-American president, while this is a major accomplishment, what we need to remember is what he promised throughout his entire campaign.
Well, Obama….WE…..NEED….CHANGE! I understand that it is not going to occur overnight and I would be a hypocrite if I were to be upset that he is focusing on health care because my main focus is that our citizens should come first; however, we cannot ignore this issue forever. Something needs to be done and that something should be done quickly before something tragic happens.
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